Monday 14 October 2013

I'm a 21 yr old  university student.
I'm studying Business Law & Marketing at Monash University, Australia.

Ok, so I'm starting to get with the times and start blogging.
I've been told it is good to start talking about my inner workings and start net working.
Or just get writing.

So this blog will pretty much be used to air out my feelings towards things.
May it be
  •  the books I'm reading (I'm a BIG book fanatic),s
  • a TV show I'm realllllyyy into,
  • places I want to travel to,
  • or just everyday thoughts about things.
We'll see how I go!

I would like to warn people that I lead a pretty boring life; but this blog is really for me.
As titled Books & RANTS I need to get out everything I feel about something.
Now I do have friends. But ever notice that when you 're trying to talk to your friends about an opinion you don't really voice out everything you feel about it? I do! All the time! and then the topic just changes and you can't go back to it!!!

So PLEASE note that this is my opinion. It may not be fact or what other people think is right. It's just what I think.

I really don't know what my first official post will be about as I'm drawing up blank about it right now. But hopefully it will come to me. :)  


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